Pledge kindness

One pledge of one act of kindness by each of us would be 25 million acts of kindness in Australia.

do something kind

Our Kindness Wall

Message a friend or family member every day and tell them why I value them.
Helping people at school when they are hurt
Everyone deserves support, love and kindness
Share and promote the strength of kindness while encouraging act of kindness in my early childhood class.
I will educate the children I teach to be conscious of each other's needs and emotions
Because we are living in a very stressful time and everyone needs to contribute to doing the best they can to make a difference in the world
Do what I can to help my daughter, who is currently suffering from a medical condition.
It is not hard to be kind, and it might just make the world of difference to someone.
I will donate instead of selling -clothes & food. Give time to listen instead of hearing. Give energies of love & compassion to each other
I have always believed that just smiling at someone can change there day for the better. After hearing this story, I wanted to make a pledge
Kindness is central to human well-being
Kindness is central value - both as a recipient and a giver. My pledge is to ensure each and everyone in my space feels included and heard.
I lost my nephew to suicide 3 weeks ago. I am devastated and cant even imagine how the Kellys have coped and also done so much for others.
Words can have such impact. Positively and negatively. Being mean was so last decade
I would like to see more kindness in this world.
Because it brightens everyones day
Treat others the way you would like to be treated with kindness. A daily dose of kindness will make the world we live in a much better place
Kindness is always important in your every day
Give some more kindness
To make people happy
I will help spread happiness
I wanna make people happy
I believe that manners are free so I will use my manners as much as possible to remind everyone this.
Spend more time listening.
Small acts of kindness everyday
Give to a homeless person outside my work. Listen to someone who needs to be listened to. Respond with love when I feel impatient or angry.
Continue to teach my children how to be kind in leading by example
Open my eyes, my face, my body, myself up to others to make contact and be interested in others. Without judgement and to project kindness.
Be kind and help
I will do one unexpected act of service for a family in need each week and random acts of kindness whenever the opportunity arises
Treat everyone with kindness always.
Say Good morning/afternoon and help at least 2 people a day.
Teach my children the importance of being kind EVERY day. And that one small gesture can really change someones whole day.
I will ask people I find who appear to be in distress if they need any assistance
We are going to be kind by talking nicely to each other, helping each other and saying please and thankyou.
I will volunteer at local organizations.
Smile and say hello to colleagues I pass in the corridor, smile and thank everyone who provides service to me in a shop or a business
I will be kind to others.
Model kindness to my children and look out for elderly who need some extra support
I will volunteer at a charity organisation. I will do small acts of kindness such as buying a coffee or treat for a stranger.
This July will strive to be friendly, generous, and considerate.